Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux

I love a good chou. It is such a satisfying thing to make. As you mix it, it feels like it's going wrong, won't work (or at least that's my personal experience every single time), then all of a sudden, you get the right consistency and your faith in the culinary world returns. I love… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux

Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1940’s Maple Dumplings

This year, for Quebec National Day, I wanted to try making an old-school Quebec dessert that I had never tried but always intrigued me. In French, it is called "Grands-pères dans le sirop" which translates to "Grandpas in syrup". Basically, it is dough poached in maple syrup. Now, I bet you are wondering about the… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1940’s Maple Dumplings

Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1940 Meat-Ball Stew

As I prepare to visit Quebec soon, I was in the mood to make some traditional French Canadian food. I pulled out a cookbook brought to me by my mom, once belonging to my grandma. The book is bilingual (French-English), published in 1940 and published by A.Bélanger Limitée, as a way to sell their cooking… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1940 Meat-Ball Stew

Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1976 Seafood Quiche

Recently, I found a super cute cookbook completely dedicated to quiches. Quiche Cookbook was published in 1976 and written by Edie and Tom Hilton. I was particularly drawn to the illustrations by Shelley Adler throughout the book Since I love a good quiche but usually make the recipes up with whatever I find in the fridge,… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1976 Seafood Quiche