Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux

I love a good chou. It is such a satisfying thing to make. As you mix it, it feels like it's going wrong, won't work (or at least that's my personal experience every single time), then all of a sudden, you get the right consistency and your faith in the culinary world returns. I love… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux

Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking Revisited: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie

This isn't my first Valentine's Day post. As I'm discussed before (here, here and here), since childhood, it has always been a fun occasion to remind people I care about them, share a home-cooked meal and spend quality time together. I'm not into the commercialized version, with fancy restaurant meals and expensive gifts (but I'd… Continue reading Retro Cooking Revisited: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie

Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1976 Seafood Quiche

Recently, I found a super cute cookbook completely dedicated to quiches. Quiche Cookbook was published in 1976 and written by Edie and Tom Hilton. I was particularly drawn to the illustrations by Shelley Adler throughout the book Since I love a good quiche but usually make the recipes up with whatever I find in the fridge,… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1976 Seafood Quiche

Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1972’s Wonton

I've always been a big fan of Chinese food. All my life, my family would have its annual dinner at our hometown's Chinese restaurant (because it didn't seem reasonable to eat that much food more than once a year).  It was always one of the most exciting meal of the year for me. As I… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1972’s Wonton