Food Education, Meal Prep

How to Meal Prep

#MealPrep is so popular these days. Yes, prepare your meals in advance! I've been doing this for so long, it is completely part of my routine now. On the other hand, I know a lot of people would love to start planning their meals but don't know how to get started. So here is my… Continue reading How to Meal Prep

Food Education, Recipes

TCP: Russian Snack for the Winter Olympics

Whenever I choose a recipe for our cooking projects, I like to link it to our theme. The Winter Olympics were tricky at first. My first thought was "healthy athlete food", followed by Russian food. Unfortunately, most traditional Russian recipes I found were either not very healthy (or I should say, too heavy) or not… Continue reading TCP: Russian Snack for the Winter Olympics

Food Education

TCP: Strawberry Chocolate Muffins

I apologize for being so behind on posting our toddler cooking projects! With snow days and hubby travels, I lost track of a lot of things. This week's recipe is actually what we made the week before Valentine's day. Since we alternate cooking days between Thursdays and Fridays each week, I wanted this group to… Continue reading TCP: Strawberry Chocolate Muffins

Food Education

TCP: Oatmeal With the Three Bears

Last week, as we introduced the toddlers to many classic tales, our cooking project seemed very obvious (at least to me!): porridge with the three bears! I preferred making oatmeal, so as I read them the book, I simply substituted the word in the story. Although this dish didn't involve any cooking on the children's… Continue reading TCP: Oatmeal With the Three Bears