Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux

I love a good chou. It is such a satisfying thing to make. As you mix it, it feels like it's going wrong, won't work (or at least that's my personal experience every single time), then all of a sudden, you get the right consistency and your faith in the culinary world returns. I love… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1930’s Inspired Stuffed Choux


Back to my Québécoise Roots!…Quebec City Edition

While the first half of our trip was all about seeing everyone and socializing, the second half ended up being our main tourist time. Here is a special post on the two days we spent in Quebec city. Just being in "La Belle Province" with my husband was pretty wonderful but visiting Québec City, one… Continue reading Back to my Québécoise Roots!…Quebec City Edition

Foodie Adventures, Travel

My Parents’ Visit (+ the Goodies They Brought For Me!)

As I mentioned in my last post, my parents planned their yearly trip to Virginia to coincide with my college graduation. They left the slightly colder temperatures of Quebec to come spend a week with me. I hadn't seen my dad in two years and my mom in one year so this was some much-needed… Continue reading My Parents’ Visit (+ the Goodies They Brought For Me!)