Recipes, Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking Revisited: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie

This isn't my first Valentine's Day post. As I'm discussed before (here, here and here), since childhood, it has always been a fun occasion to remind people I care about them, share a home-cooked meal and spend quality time together. I'm not into the commercialized version, with fancy restaurant meals and expensive gifts (but I'd… Continue reading Retro Cooking Revisited: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie

Retro Cooking

Retro Cooking: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie with Coconut Crust

Happy Heart Day everyone! I've loved Valentine's Day ever since I was a child. I associate it with family time and an occasion to share a good homemade meal together. This is the way I have always celebrated it with my husband as well. This year was no different, despite the fact that, since my… Continue reading Retro Cooking: 1960’s Strawberry Bavarian Pie with Coconut Crust

Food Education

TCP: Strawberry Chocolate Muffins

I apologize for being so behind on posting our toddler cooking projects! With snow days and hubby travels, I lost track of a lot of things. This week's recipe is actually what we made the week before Valentine's day. Since we alternate cooking days between Thursdays and Fridays each week, I wanted this group to… Continue reading TCP: Strawberry Chocolate Muffins

Foodie Adventures

When Snow and Hearts are on the Forecast…

Wow, what a week! What started as the first week of my husband being out of town turned out to be the most eventful week of the year so far! (Yes, I know, it's only February...) Although my husband was initially only supposed to come home on Friday, he was sent home early based on… Continue reading When Snow and Hearts are on the Forecast…